Your dog will have a happier life if you put it through dog training, and you will be happier too. A dog that is well-trained assures that your dog knows exactly what he can expect. If your dog has been trained effectively, you will be less reluctant to leave him at home alone, allow him to interact with visitors or spend time together in public places like dog parks. The time spent training a dog is paid back tenfold during your dog’s lifetime. Training is not easy, but it is very rewarding.
Basic Tips On How To Train Your Dog
Crate Training
Crates should feel like a safe place to puppies. So, you should never use them as a way to discipline your dog. Dogs may need to be familiarized with the crate to feel comfortable and secure in it. There are many tricks that you can try to make it easier for both of you. If your puppy seems reluctant about entering the crate, place a chew toy inside and close the door to the kennel. They will see the toy inside the crate and will want in the crate to get it. After he goes in the crate, reward him with praise and a treat.
Enforcing Your Commands
When you have gotten a new dog and you are working on training a key thing to remember is that you must always enforce the commands that you give your dog. Do not let the dog ignore you, and do not say the command over and over. If you are not going to be strong enough to enforce what you are saying, you might as well not waste your time.
Be aware that you are not going to have a perfectly trained dog overnight. Changing behaviors is a lengthy process that will involve a lot of successes and a lot of setbacks. If you are not training from a puppy, the process can take even longer as your dog will need to both unlearn bad behaviors and learn new ones. Be patient and you’ll start to see results.
Try not to repeat commands. It is human nature to repeat a word or in this case, command when we’re frustrated. However, repeating yourself around your dog will get you nowhere. Every time a command is repeated, your dog learns that listening to you is optional. Be firm with commands and be stubborn by waiting him out.
Make sure that your pooch is obeying commands. If Spot is ignoring you when you tell him to sit, do not give up. Follow-through until you get the action that you expect. If you are going to give up without getting the action that you requested, don’t bother giving the command in the first place.
Stopping Unacceptable Behaviour
Dogs often become destructive because they are bored and lonely. Consider a house dog that destroys the sofa while you are away from the house. Consider the larger outside dog that chews up the shrubbery. The answer to alleviating their destructive behavior might be as simple as spending more time with them or buying them a new toy.
Dogs mimic their owner’s behavior. Don’t be shocked if they decide they want to sleep in your bed and sit in your recliner. Don’t be shocked if they attempt to eat from your plate. Most of all, don’t be angry. Your dog has to be trained that this behavior is unacceptable. They need to be taught the acceptable options.
Potty training a puppy can be a harsh task at times, but not impossible. You have to remember that the puppy doesn’t know that when they go to the bathroom inside that it is wrong. Try your best to keep an eye on your puppy and if it starts looking like it has to go to the bathroom let it outside, after the puppy goes to the bathroom praise the puppy so it knows it did the right thing.
When your dog does not do what you want, tell him “No!” then redirect him. Be patient and calm. Your dog wants to please you, but sometimes dogs just don’t understand what is expected of them. Never hit or yell at your dog. If you yell and hit, your dog will just think you are out of control. You want your dog to trust you and respect you as the pack leader, so stay calm and consistent.
To house train your dog, you should establish a regular schedule for their meals. Take away their water at night. If your dog eats on schedule, you should be able to tell when it need to go outside. If you feed your dog right before you go to bed, chances are you will not be able to take it outside on time.
Correcting your dog with a short, sharp and clear message will really get the point across. Too often people explain wrong doings to their dog in complete and complex sentences, leaving the animal completely perplexed. Be brief, firm and repeat the same phrase for the same bad behavior every time.
Rewarding Your Dog
Finding out what motivates your dog is the key to successful training. All dogs have different tastes and preferences, but it is also important to keep in mind that the reward you’re giving your dog should be healthy.
Even if the treats at the store say your dog will like it, make sure to double check the ingredients. Cheese and strong- smelling meats are very popular, but oftentimes falsely advertised at the store containing a mix artificial tastes and smells.
A good canine training tip is to have your dogs meet at a park if you plan on bringing a new dog into your home. By having the dogs meet at the park, the dogs will be more friendly with each other, and it’ll take dominance out of the equation.
Puppy training is big on making rules for the relationship just like you would with people, you will have such a better time with each other once the rules are in place. Don’t forget to continue providing reinforcement. Refresh your dog’s knowledge with exercises and remain strict. Once your dog has the basics of training under his belt, there is no limit to what the two of you can achieve.